duminică, decembrie 26

she's lost control

"Confusion in her eyes that says it all
She's lost control
And she's clinging to the nearest passer by
She's lost control
And she gave away the secrets of her past
And said I've lost control again
And of a voice that told her when and were to act
But she expressed herself in many different ways,
Until she lost control again.
And walked upon the edge of no escape,
And laughed I've lost control.
She's lost control again."

-joy division

vineri, decembrie 24

...right, christmas.

duminică, decembrie 19

falling feels like flying (for a little while)

Forgive me for being so redundant...
I don't remember ever being without this strange feeling of guilt, straight to the pit of my stomach, during winter. It doesn't really matter whether I'm alone or not, it's just a strange tiredness always pulling me over. I feel like I have never been well rested in my entire life. It might not be at all atypical, most people get depressed during winter, but this feeling it's so persistent..i don't know, i don't really want to know. I still need to figure things out, I still need to stop taking steps back, but I am not depressed right now at all. It's a strange déjà vu and all that, but in the end, I'm just too tired for all of this to start it all over again.

miercuri, decembrie 15

note to self: stop taking things for granted. stop taking life for granted.

sâmbătă, decembrie 4

teenage wasteland

she has blue hair and still gets id-ed buying cigarettes. she's cutting to waste her smile and youth, she's taking back all that she'd proved. and she's smoking just to kill the time, but smoking kills her expensive perfume instead. the mob didn't drag her in, but she's managed to get stuck somewhere in between. 'how many times must i explain myself, you just got it the wrong way. how many times do i have to say i'm just living dissipation'

vineri, decembrie 3

it's just your way, you hear me wrong
I hear you say you're getting up, getting up
baby hold on, baby come on

sâmbătă, noiembrie 27


trying to turn one's life around,
what the fuck has "i" become,
where am i?
clearly lost it in me sometime long ago.
still hidden in there,
before the loss and the emptiness,
the high and the low.
i have to find it and claim it back
before it rots, decays and ends in smoke.

marți, noiembrie 23


Kate Moss by Juergen Teller

I like the way she looks like she's been on it for a couple of days and just thought "fuck it let's take some photos".



luni, noiembrie 22

too fuck to drunk

great band, great concert, great time. i danced my shoes off. but now im too drunk too drunk too drunk

P.S. Oh je suis trop bourrée..pour baiser

sâmbătă, noiembrie 20

my ugly boy

And I know what I'd like to do, take him down and make him fall
And i know how I'd like to roll, my my ugly boy
-i'm so glad they're back. and god they're cool.-

marți, noiembrie 9


(russian) upset or pain, anguish, distress. the adjective toskliviy is translated as "dismal", "dreary".

“No single word in English renders all the shades of toska. At its deepest and most painful, it is a sensation of great spiritual anguish, often without any specific cause. At less morbid levels it is a dull ache of the soul, a longing with nothing to long for, a sick pining, a vague restlessness, mental throes, yearning. In particular cases it may be the desire for somebody of something specific, nostalgia, love-sickness. At the lowest level it grades into ennui, boredom.”
-V. Nabokov

vineri, noiembrie 5

À Paris

ah, Paris, mon amour

(Edith Piaf- Sous le ciel de Paris/Yves Montand- À Paris/Edith Piaf- Notre Dame de Paris)

friday im in love

november, you little bitch. these days linger and time flutters around and everything is so insignificant and chaotic. i wanna fucking forget it. this week, what a week. what a mess.
i dont care if mondays black, tuesday, wednesday - heart attack, thursday, never looking back- its friday, im in love.

joi, noiembrie 4

things that annoy me today #1

  • low battery
  • being an insecure mess
  • stupid questions
  • it's not friday
  • people walking slowly in front of me
  • too much food
  • no concerts/good movies tonight
  • not feeling like moving on
  • stupid nike shoes
  • 'eat pray love'
  • doesn't get my telepathic message saying to mind
  • being broke
  • ham
  • boys who wear white jeans
  • needing/wanting a cigarette
  • pickpockets
  • stupid people
  • that song playing again and again in my head
  • bad hair day
  • having stupid insignificant problems
  • and minding them

duminică, octombrie 31

miercuri, octombrie 27

current obsessions

thé des sources and magazines- instead of the vogue magazines in the picture, i read my father's entire Esquire collection
2. flying birds prints
b. wood's oogum boogum- if i were to describe my style using a song, this would be it
4. lover's start by how to dress well
5. alexa chung- i have a biiig lady-crush on her
11:11- good things tend to happen at this hour
7. unearthen necklaces at bonadrag

via knightcat/bonadrag/nynights

vineri, octombrie 22

11.02 pm. my mind is a cluttered mess and my teacup is filled with thé des sources

duminică, octombrie 17



we're the Brooklyn gang

joi, octombrie 14

do you know me?

is it cruel or kind not to speak my mind,

and to lie to you rather than hurt you?
... I'll confess all of of my sins
after several large gins
but still I'll hide from you,
hide what's inside from you

...i don't think so

marți, octombrie 12

femme freak

by aitch

black and white characters drawn on tacky-used pieces of oilcloth

sâmbătă, octombrie 2

"Once a year, she remembers that she is insignificant. Then she forgets again, because more than she is insignificant, she is forgetful."


joi, septembrie 30

the girl form Ipanema goes walking

When she walks, she's like a samba that swings so cool and sways so gently

duminică, septembrie 26

loss for words

some people are just...born human, you know?
mystic referee, i promise to return once i've given up and lessons have been learned. but right now, i'm lower than deep. i'm too tired, and i'm certain that if such a thing does happen.. just stick a looking glass within the depths of my heart. there would be nothing more than desperation, spreading to every inch of my surface skin. 'did they warn you, better shape up if you want to succeed?'. i don't know how to do this, i'm just as lost as i was the first time, constantly feeling like i'm missing out on everything. i don't see myself giving up too soon, mystic referee.
